Tuesday, July 31, 2007, 3:34 PM; ♥ the sun is so beautiful I'm so gonna miss my computer! Yes, tonight it's going to be repair again! Who causes it? MY BRO! It's infected with spyware. Urgh. Not long since the computer is back & now i had to wait for a week or so? There's goes my BBT!! I DONT WANT!!! ): Maybe it's a good thing too? So that i'll be able to study.. Hmms, that's all folks! Byee~ I'll be back. (:
Monday, July 30, 2007, 7:34 PM; ♥ it's such a shame that we're world apart. School was such a bore. Although it's Monday but there were some things that will make me look forward to Monday! (: They are DRAMAS! HAHA~ F&N lesson today was quite interesting in sense that we were given white board each & a marker to write down our answer given by Miss Tan. It makes me think of BBT! YAY! (: Currently watching 黑糖玛奇朵.. After that i need to do some work, so that's it for the day! XOXO
Sunday, July 29, 2007, 5:52 PM; ♥ because the world can't take away your love. Urgh! I actually missed the first part of worship!! poofs- I thought it was _____ who lead the worship but it turn out to be Ryan! ): Finally we had S4G in so many weeks! (: It was good, i did some reflection & learn something from Ashley. Carl's Junior with Pris and i came home intending to complete my English composition but but but i failed to do it! Trained down to Clementi & meet up with Sam. So sorry to Vanya that we didn't wait for you!! Cabbed down to NUS for the LOVE ABOVE ALL musical concert. It didn't turn out how Uncle Richard said it to us but it was good partly because i expected much more from it. =X Thanks Vanya sis for sending me to the MRT station & i trained all the way back to Kallang. Did the rest of my composition in the train. There's so many (other race) in the train! Reached home around 11 plus & i was too tired to complete it so i went to sleep. (: XOXO
Friday, July 27, 2007, 10:40 PM; UPDATE UPDATE!! FAHRENHEIT NEW SONG 飞轮海新歌出神入化 IS GOING TO BE AIRED ON 933 ON AUG 1! <3
, 9:44 PM; ♥ i'm a flower quickly fading, here today and gone tomorrow. Woohoo~ It's FRIDAY! Can't wait till Sunday, S4G. It's been long since we had one.(≧∇≦)Tuition at 5pm today and it's seriously hilarious! I laughed like nobody business and keep laughing non-stop! It's embarrassing! Should not bother typing what happen because it may not be funny to you. ;p After tuition, suppose to meet Clifford & peeps for movie but i didn't go in the end because.. Sorry! Oh ya, today mark the end of the entire COURSEWORK! I'm so happy! (: Tomorrow suppose to catch movie with Qian Hui & peeps but they are catching horror movie which is so not my cup of tea. Haas. Maybe meeting them after that.. I feel like SHOPPING! I didn't shop since ages ago! & i feel like buying something. Lols. Back for more! XOXO Still You hear me when I'm calling Lord, You catch me when I'm falling And You've told me who I am
Thursday, July 26, 2007, 9:23 PM; 沒有期待就沒有失落 沒有希望就沒有失望 沒有幻想就沒有憧憬 沒有承諾就沒有諾言 沒有責任就沒有負擔 沒有付出就沒有收穫 沒有捨棄就沒有得到 沒有戀愛就沒有失戀 沒有愛人就沒有思念 沒有想念就沒有失眠 沒有真心就沒有真愛 沒有堅持就沒有結果
, 3:58 PM; ♥ we both have our dreams, we both wanna fly .. Since i have some 'free' time now, i shall type something. (*´ェ`*)School life is as usual, ordinary. Went home with Yi Wen and we walk under the rain. Thank God for letting the lady to shelter me & her. She shelter me to my house there the shelter but poor Yi Wen had to walk under the rain as we split up after that. It has been raining the past few days & the weather is cold and nice to sleep! Dislike dragging myself out from the warm & comfortable bed of mine.(^_^;Kinda addicted to the local snack 'Bee-Bee' nowadays. HAHA. But i'm quite sick of it now. (>_<)I have found so many yummy delicious food from Japan! I can imagine myself drooling in front of the computer now.. Lols. I'll get back to BBT now & coursework later on. Yips & bit. XOXO ------ 星光同学会
Tuesday, July 24, 2007, 8:41 PM; ♥ when all love break lose Uh OH, i know i shouldn't be blogging but i cant resist it simply because i love my blog too much! Haas. Anyway, it would not take too much of my time as i don't have photos to upload on weekdays. (; The weather now is so cold & i need warmth! But i don't wish for the weather to be too hot also! How contradicting it is. =X Well, had tuition today at 5pm & despite me having my sweater with me, it's still freaking cold! The air-con was on lar.(T-T) I have to do my evaluation for F&N now, most probably i won't be touching it (no mood).(゜ー,゜*) Cute? Haas. XOXO You're all i want, you're all i ever need. Help me know you are near. I need a warm of your embrace! ------ No willpower, no brains to force myself to do something. Fret not, i will do something about IT because it's like a MUST? My eyes are closing somehow or rather. I have no idea too. I want to study but it's easier said than done. My brain is LAZY. Urgh!
Monday, July 23, 2007, 7:28 PM; ♥ 我知道你心里有个人, 我就是那个人! (: HAPPY BIRTHDAY QIAN HUI ! So many people born in the month of July! Haas. Yup, that's all i want to say. ;p I will only blog during the weekends now as there's nothing to blog about and blogging took out part of my time which i could spent it on my studies. (: I seriously need to study can! No more shopping & stuffs and going out on Sat. But Sunday is a MUST! Just a few more months to go and i can do whatever i want when the time comes!! TATA~ XOXO 爱情玛琪朵 我知道你心里有个人 但谁是那个人 你总是笑着不承认 有时候真的很想问 想从你的眼神 知道我有没有份 是不是你心里的人 当然你不用明白承认 只要用你的眼神默认 我就可以再往前多近个几分 找个理由来等你从朋友变情人 其实我好几次想要开口对你说 爱情的滋味就好像玛琪朵 甜蜜的烙印在我心口 虽然他曾拉了你的手 只是摸摸你的头 激动却一直跟着我 雨刚下过 这一个夏天显得特别闷热 当你微笑看着我 那时候 世界突然间静止一分多钟 那一个moment怎么去形容 爱情就好像玛琪朵
, 10:08 AM; ♥ blessed be your name I know i'm not supposed to be blogging at this moment now because i haven do finish my evaluation! I have no idea what to evaluate on! No information that i need can be found in the net!! I need ANSWERS to my questions!! Urgh. I will blog about today happenings tomorrow as i have pictures to upload & maybe a long post? (: Stay tuned! XOXO I need HELPPPPPPP! ------ Unfinished work as usual, i rack my brains already okay! My back is aching like mad now! Bring me out from my misery! I wanna SCREAM out LOUD!! I'm tired & i feel like popping onto my bed and sleep forever. Can i leave everything till tomorrow? Tomorrow is not going to be good day for sure. Scolding will be all that i hear tomorrow. ):
Sunday, July 22, 2007, 5:13 PM; ♥ 这感觉该怎么形容? HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tetsu & Ryo! Service was good and lesson was great. I learn something new again! After that went to S'pore post with Pris & Ghis for lunch at the food court. Then went back to Youth Room and start our study. Cherlyn was there too. (: She was preparing a video for her friend's birthday. She asked us whether we want to give her our wishes by videoing. So, we went online to search for guitar chords as Pris could play the guitar. W/o further elaborating, here's e video: After that , Pris stop studying and kept on playing the guitar! Haas! I'm the only one who continue. :D Cam-whoring before we left around 6 plus. Photos time! ((:
Saturday, July 21, 2007, 11:43 PM; ♥ words coming out from you that sound just so sweet. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YU WEI ! ![]() So to speak, it rained the whole day. Tuition in the afternoon & trained down to Simei (aunt house) . It was my cousin birthday. (e one on e right) (⌒~⌒) That's the only picture i had of him.. (T-T) In fact, i did nothing there except watching TV, went to eastpoint with mom to window shop. My bro & cousin were already there as they were going to 'support' the campus superstar thingy which i find it a waste of time. Haas. The ppl there were like 1/4 less than the ppl supporting FAHRENHEIT! ;p I don't even care that they were there. =X Oh whatever, i don't want monday to come! XOXO
Friday, July 20, 2007, 9:22 PM; ♥ ignite your love upon me. Finally, the long awaits. It's FRIDAY!! Cheryl came to my house after school as i'm teaching her transformation.. (: When she left, i started watching BBT & Hanakimi (jap ver) till now. LOLS. Finally i have the chance to relax BUT i had to finish my HWs! ): I guess there's nothing much to rant here anyway. ;p XOXO
Thursday, July 19, 2007, 9:53 PM; I'm exhausted, my head is spinning with those English words that i couldn't understand them because they were so profound. I don't understand the meaning of the passage, what they trying to express. It's about volcanoes. -.- Despite me checking the dictionary upteens time, there are just too many words! Plus i had to research for F&N evaluation tomorrow.! Urgh. My eyes are going to close soon and i don't wish to do anything for the moment now! I just want to rest but i cant. Time is seriously running out and yet i still lagging far behind time. There goes my Prison Break. ):
, 5:59 PM; ♥ my endless thoughts in the silence of the night. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TINA ! (: Have a small celebration for Tina today. Gave her the box of cupcakes from Yiwen, Eugene & Me. It was costly okay.. The cupcakes were very pretty & i like it. Kerry & Yuling gave her a bikini. Lols. F&N was postponed to tomorrow, i guess it's good as i totally don't have the mood for that. It's going to be a long day tomorrow & i can't wait for SAT & SUN! x) I'm feeling so sleepy now that i'm going to fall asleep any moment from now. BBT haven been uploaded yet! & i still have an english paper left to do plus revision?! XOXO Pictures time! Thank Yiwen for bringing the camera! (^^;)
Wednesday, July 18, 2007, 7:37 PM; ♥ west side experience . Morning had a talk by Mr singh. It was not those boring talk but interesting ones. After school, Yi Wen came to my house and i changed & we trained down to clementi. Had to wait for the shuttle bus to come and we hopped on it and went to West Coast, Montreny Park to collect Tina's present. ;p Pictures will be uploaded by tomorrow.. I need to go practice maths as tomorrow i'm having maths test. -.- & F&N coursework B after school and that marks the end of the whole coursework!! (: I can't imagine life w/o BBT! XOXO
Tuesday, July 17, 2007, 9:56 PM; ♥ i love the way you love, but i hate the way i'm supposed to love you back. Well, school was mundane. Tuition at 0530.. Once again, it was filled with laughter. (*^。^*) Upon walking out of the train door, i saw my best friend in primary school, Kai Ying and i shouted her name but i was so stupid. I saw her ear piece in her ear and yet i shouted her name. It's so embarrassing! (ーー;) Manage to catch up with her and we chatted awhile and parted. ): I miss her a lot! Came home and here i am in front of the computer watching BBT. Prince should be the one getting the most intelligent award! ): Oh well, it's not fair anyway.^m^ I need to continue watching. Byee~ XOXO How i wish you can be a part of my memories..
Monday, July 16, 2007, 9:02 PM; ♥ 黑糖瑪奇朵. Surprisingly, Mrs Yong didn't scold me today or question me. It's God work. (: Had F&N execution for coursework B and after that had Chinese Listening. Thank God for the cooling weather in the afternoon, if not i'll not be able to listen properly. (: Came home watch a little bit of TV. ;p Woohoo! 黑糖瑪奇朵 finally aired! Loves* It's awesome! Especially Prince!! I'm so excited while watching it. HAHAHA! I wanna watch again but i still piles of HW waiting for me to do! And, i forgot where i put my question paper & insert for eng papers! How in the world am i going to re-do the summary?! Math test on Trigo & Loci tomorrow! Oh man! I need more time time time. Okay, i need to do my Hw already. Byee~ XOXO
Sunday, July 15, 2007, 9:12 PM; We ROCK. :D ♥ extravagent magnificent. Vicki & I were just in time for Worship. Didn't miss any part of Ryan leading. I simply love the choice of songs he chose and the whole band played perfectly well. This is just my point of view. (: Esther, Vicki & I wore Grey skinnies. Haas! After that was Sunday School and lunch with Pris at same old place. Left that place and went to Bras Basah for my Chem book. & Pris went to get her guitar strap. First time saw her played the guitar.. (: She good at _____ (You know) ;p Headed to Library to find a place to study but full so we went to City Hall. Her friend joined us to study. Couldn't find a appropriate place so we settled at Gloria Jean's Cafe. As usual, talk more than study. Especially it was cold down there and the atmosphere was weird? Lols. Left around 0630 and home for dinner. Tomorrow is going to be shitty day i guess. I'm not looking forward for school at all! I had a fun Sat & Sun and i don't want to tune back to Monday blues! Chinese Os listening tomorrow &amp;amp;amp; F&N execution for coursework B. So not prepare!! Urgh. But, i place my trust in GOD. (: Btw, thank Pris for finding me a drum teacher! Haas! THANKS SO MUCH! (: I'm learning it after Os! There's so many things i wanted to do but have to wait till Os! Therefore, i must work doubly hard for my studies! x) XOXO
Saturday, July 14, 2007, 10:53 PM; ♥ Psalm 94. Morning was school. Had to edit Coursework B. After that went home and rested a while, off the meet Sam at Kembangan. She was late though. Haas. Luckily Pris was there waiting for her friends to come so we waited together. Since the Captain's Ball have not start yet, Sam & I went to Youth Room to use the com and try signing for DPA. I think it's God will for not letting me to sign up because i don't know what it appears runtime error when i press next. -.- Sam one has no problem though. ): Moving on, Janice went to call us to go down as it is starting.. I didn't want to participate as i really sucks at CapBall. Indeed i am. I'm like the blockhead standing there.. After the first half, i gave up. Sam & I went in the hall to talk. Time passes real fast, we like talk a lot? Haas. Then went to meet Junpei to collect my tee. But i didn't brought the money along. Sorry! Headed back to church and play cards with Nat & his friends. Play a few rounds and they went to play CapBall so left Sam & me and she wanted to help me calculate the guy i like is like what. Dinner at S'pore Post. Went with Pris & friends. Split up because they wanted to have Subway but Sam & I wanted to eat "Yellow Food". Haas. So, we went to LJS. Bused back to church and had icebreakers. It's the Marcoronni game. I don't know how to spell. =X Service started followed by Alvin's talk. Trained home with Sam and we took some pictures! :D If not i wont be able to see her till next Youth Service and don't know whether she will be going or not. ): She's not attending church every sunday because she had tuition! After Os then will be able to see her again! Hey Sam! I'm going to miss Yooou! I love going to church. It bring me such joy that i never had experience before. Thank God for such wonderful church friends and church mates!! Lovess* My chains are gone, i've been set free. My LORD, my Saviour has ransomed me. It totally fits his whole characters! <3 Sam & ME I'm gonna miss you SOOO much!
Friday, July 13, 2007, 10:05 PM; ♥ I'm afraid to keep on living. Today was rather a bad day. In fact, i'm suppose to have this day slightly better than normal days but it turn out to be like that. Why did Mrs Yong called my grandparents instead of my dad? I wonder why. I didn't stay with my grandparents okay! Of course they didn't know that i didn't attend school today lar.( ̄_ ̄)My mood was real bad the entire day. Went for tuition after all the emotions had filled me. Tuition makes me laugh and that's a good sign but after that back to square one. Boarded the train and halfway through it had some technical problems and couldn't stop. Thank GOD that it stopped at Kallang. It's a fortune out of a misfortune. I can't wait for tomorrow and Sunday! Except that tomorrow had to go back to school in the morning which is such a turn out. Afternoon have Captain's Ball in church and after that Youth Service. Sunday church and lunch with Pris! YAY. loves*(T▽T)I need more BBTs to keep me happy! But there's one in a day. ): XOXO ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() KURANOSUKE SHIRAISHI |
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