Thursday, May 31, 2007, 9:52 PM; I simply love this advertisement a lot! LOVES*
, 9:33 PM; HAPPY BIRTHDAY YONGKANG ! (: ♥ you left me feeling high and dry Woke up early in the morning, watch some Tv's programs and around 9 plus went to meet JH at YK's void deck. Planning to give him a surprise! Haas. Took the lift and stay outside his house first. Light up the candle and i knocked on his door. Stayed in his house for a while and off i went home. Felt so awkward and i don't know why. hehe. Received a msg after that from him.. I think he appreciate it. (: The rest of the day left and i did some HW, watch TV, afternoon nap.. Oh well, i felt that i didn't do what i supposed to do today that is STUDY! It really dampens my mood when it comes to studying and completing of HWs.. I got nothing more to express maybe i just don't want to express it here. (; BYE.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007, 7:51 PM; ♥ and if you see how handsome you're to me Oh well, before i really starts doing my homeworks i shall blog first. Actually there's nothing much for me to talk about except that school really sucks! Simply true isn't it? I rather stay at home at study on my own. Maybe i would. Haas! The weather nowadays really makes me detest going out even SHOPPING. I hate perspiring and walking under the scorching hot sun! ): It just makes me feel uncomfortable. (; Okay, i'm going back to complete my homeworks! ): It would be nice if you cheer for me. (: ------ I'm so not in the mood now, barely done my maths paper simply because i do not know how to do. Never concentrate at all. My paper 1 was weak yet I'm still not practicing enough. Argh. Really very pissed of with myself. I don't wanna leave any regrets in my Os! -.- I just got to do something like NOOOOOOOOOOW!
Monday, May 28, 2007, 9:36 PM; ![]() ♥ moments shared were picture perfect, memories remain YAY! I'm finally back! x) It's been yesteryears since i last blog.. Last week was real hectic! Been busy with school and POP. This year POP had lots of ups and downs and i teared for some reasons. ): Really thanks W & J for help me. ((: ------ Well, today had Chinese O level paper and it was horrendous! I need to retake it which i seriously do not wish to. The weather affected my mood in doing and i was not feeling well while doing the paper and i was very fed up. I felt like vomiting! Aftermath went to buy some tidbits to fill my stomach while waiting for Y & K to finish their coursework. Headed home and played my com for a while and rushed to meet Pris. She wanted to buy a pair of black skinny jeans and i suggested HAJI LANE! (; Walked for quite some time and i spotted it! x) Both of us were so happy. That place was AWESOME ! It was so cool and unique! Filled with so much interesting stuffs and so vintage style. All the shops were not just any NORMAL shops. It was nicely design and decorate . So stylish! I love that place a lot! The clothes were not cheap (some) and some are prices were steep. (; I want to go back there again! Haas. I had a fun time today. ------ Tomorrow have to go back to school and tution in the afternoon. I haven done the HW yet! ): Detest going for both. ): I cant wait for Amazing Race! Wahhahas. Teaming with Pris and her friends. Hope it'll be fun! God bless and bye! (:
Wednesday, May 16, 2007, 1:21 PM; ![]() ![]() ♥ secrets in the night..
Monday, May 14, 2007, 12:44 PM; ♥ Spiderman, my new hero. (:
Saturday, May 12, 2007, 4:37 PM; ![]() ![]() ![]() ------ ♥ shopping is my painkiller (: Supposed to post this yesterday but my computer has some problem again.. ): After POA paper, I thought I could have a nice rest for the rest of the day even though I still have papers next week. Just then, I received msg from my tutor saying there’s tuition at 5pm ! My hopes are dashed! T.T Trained down to kembangan and meet up wif junpei and he passed me my online tee. ((: There are a few interesting things that happened during tuition. Firstly, a very naughty boy while David’s not around! Haas. Look above! Leo came in and he knocked on his head to wake him up and he called him Garfield. LOLS! They bicker and then David came back. I was feeling so hungry and tired and cold during that time! He doesn’t wanna let me off. -.- Plus that Leo went to buy dinner and beside me! OH MY. I feel like ____ him at that point of time! Argh . The aroma came from the food was simply just too delicious and he’s eating beef! –faints . Almost everyone who came later than me left except for Leo and Wayne. While David’s not around, both of them were chatting and I was sitting in between both of them. I felt so weird. Haas. Leo was asking Wayne which school is the best to go to after PSLE, because he was from VS. That LEO said I was from the normal stream. HELLO! So what? Luckily Wayne was gentleman enough to ask me whether he want to help me strangle Leo or not and of course I agreed! Haas. It’s funny lar but I was too hungry to do anything and finally David decided to let me off. (: I don’t feel like buying dinner back for my bro and me but I have no choice but to do so. ): At least the effort pay off well? It’s a sumptuous meal but eating so late in e middle of the night makes me feel so fat! Haas .. ----- Today slack at home watching videos and my cousins came over and create havoc in my room! ): All dusty and yikes. The feeling is unbearable! Tomorrow spiderman with PRIS ! (; I know it quite late to watch now but i had no time for the previous weeks! Prison Break is getting more and more exciting each week i catch it on TV! loves* (:
Wednesday, May 09, 2007, 5:51 PM; ![]() ![]() ♥ can’t keep my eyes off from you It’s such a nice weather today! Thank GOD. (: I’m bound to flunk my mid year papers. I deserved it though, because of last minute work and indulging in watching TV programs. ): I will not let history repeats itself on block tests, prelims and of course O levels. It’s really very difficult and I just have to go through it. Seeing my friends so happy in their poly lives and I want one too! Chinese O level papers are drawing nearer! OH MY. Okay back to basic. I’m going mad. =X ------ My online clothes finally arrived since !@#$%^. YAY. Haas.
Monday, May 07, 2007, 8:09 PM; ![]() ![]() ♥ Shine your light and let the whole world see. Back to old school. (; HOT, HOT, HOT, it’s effing HOT today. ): Tomorrow is Red Cross Day but too bad I’m not going to put myself in front of the parade square again! Yes, no full-u for me tomorrow. Enough of the humiliation ever since last year.. The whole unit is barely less then twenty people. Rumors said that CCA points will be strike off if cadets do not attend tomorrow. -.-“ It’s so _____ . Every time, for the whole of 5 freaking years they said that. It doesn’t mean that this time it will not come true, oh whatever. It’s not as if I have A1 or A2. It’s just merely a B3. Annoyed. Oh well, stop this nonsense. Currently, ‘studying’ chemistry and I don’t understand a single thing. –SCREAMS- ! I need to rip off my fats like NOW. Argh.
Sunday, May 06, 2007, 10:15 PM; ![]() ♥ but I get the strangest feeling that you’ve gone away Worship lead by Ryan was Awesome! I love the songs that he had chosen. (; After church met up wif Cheryl at kembangan station and I bought Maggie mee for lunch at cheers and we headed to KaiSing’s house. It’s been ages since I last step into her house and little did I realized it’s just beside my tutor house! I ate my lunch slowly and I loved the feeling of just walking a few steps to my tutor’s house! Haas. Tution ended and I went back to KS’s house. Ask KS some questions and slack as I’m exhausted. Cam-whore failed because it turns out unglam and I got no mood for it. Next time then. ((: ------ Now I’m feeling bloated and tired! These homework and tests are tormenting me! I’m just sick and tired of doing all these things. ): I’m not looking forward to school tmr and that’s it!
Saturday, May 05, 2007, 11:26 PM; ♥ Knowing God’s will for my life. Okay, it’s going to be a super duper long post. Inspiration. (: It’s such a coincidence that we met on the train. The Mrt door opened at Aljunid station and just when the door opens, she walked in. Haas. Decided to settle down at KFC and had our lunch cum dinner and start studying. Halfway went down to popular to get some stationary. Whenever I bought marker pens or pens I always feel happy. Lols, and I got no idea why. Pris has the same feeling as me ! (; Then we had break for ourselves which is cam-whore and chit-chatting. Photos with Pris. Will upload when i have it. ((: We went to Ntuc to get some tibits and smuggled back to KFC. =X Around 5 plus left there and went to develop photos. After we had edit and chosen the pictures we want, we found out that we had to pay 12 buck just for 4 photos. -.-“ The auntie told us that add text need to pay money also and entering fees. So ____ rite! No wonder the shop is so empty. We canceled the whole thing and just walk out. OH MY. Waited for Sam and Vicki at Subway as they having their dinner at there. After that, took some pictures at the staircase and trained down to church. We thought we were late but they were having icebreakers. ------ Worship began and we sang. At first I thought the song ‘POWER OF LOVE’ was quite boring already because I sang it for many times and it was not ‘touching’ anymore. [This is related to later part] Followed by sharing and Janice’s sharing sort of get it into my head. She did quite badly for her A levels and she went to apply for NTU. During her interview and stuffs, she told God that what she said has already said if God wants her to get in then she will if not she will just followed God’s plan for her. Thank God that she received the letter of acceptance from NTU. Praise the Lord! Next is Samuel’s talk. Btw, his drum skill is superb! I want to learn too! ): I learnt a lot from his talk today. It really let me think and understand what God’s will is for me. Although, I’m still uncertain and I don’t know what is his plans for me but I will walk the right path with God. Renew my mind and not to conform to the pattern of the world. For the past few days as stated in my previous posts, I kept on saying about studies and whatever. I forgot about God’s presence and what I live for. I forgot that God has planned everything ready for me and I kept on stressing myself.. I’ve always prayed for a _____ and my prayed was not answered. Now then I know the reason why, and it’s because it is not the right time yet. (: I’m really glad that I came for this month youth service and since young during the church camp Samuel had already inspired me a lot. He’s my role model. It is though us that people will come to see God through us and what I must do act it out and make a difference and follow God’s way. I’m different because I’m God’s child. He closed his talk by singing back e song ‘POWER OF LOVE’ and I was touched by e song once again. Tears were found in my eyes. ----- Trained home with Sam and tomorrow church per normal and then study at KS house with Cheryl and then tution just beside her house. Haas. I couldn’t catch spiderman three with Dad and Brother tmr as I have tution! But, studies are more important than watching movie. ):
Friday, May 04, 2007, 8:55 PM; ♥ This clock never seemed so alive I can't keep up and I can't back down I've been losing so much time. Yes. I cant keep up. ): Chinese paper today and it's pathetic. Those annoying Sec 1 keep creating a din outside e classroom. Their screaming is horrible. -.-" One more thing. S and i went into the toilet and there's this teacher named Mrs Kok Yin Yin tsk us so loudly cause we sort of 'block' her way. WTF. She's unfit to be a teacher okay! Her attitude sucks. S was too stunt to say anything. When we realised, we start to curse and swear. Haas. After exams, had our lunch at e market and went home. Actually, i decided to go down to my community centre to study but blame on my laziness. I slept. =X BAH. It's damn frustrating okay. This kind of life i had to live with and within few weeks time it O level chinese paper. Tmr had to go back to school for extra lesson then study with Pris and then Youth Service. I must STUDY. Bye. One more thing, I need to be in my full-u on tuesday! It's red cross day. -.- It's been ages since i last wore it. I doubt i can fit in. OH MY. I didn't knew i could do somersault when i was young! Haas. (:
Thursday, May 03, 2007, 9:31 PM; ![]() ♥ the girl next door. Trying hard to understand what the subject teachers are teaching. They just simply rushed through them because time is running out. And then, my head starts to spin and i fustrated. I dislike myself or you can say my brain. I dislike myself for not knowing how to do the maths questions and i almost break down. ): Thanks to mark for his jokes and laughter when we're having lunch break. After remedial, headed to the bench outside staffroom and calvin taught S and me maths. I kept on asking some non-relavant qns and S said i'm asking qns like " why is it not raining lions and tiger instead if raining cats and dogs? " Haas. It hiliarious! Plus some other funny qns. LOLS. I laughed till my stomach muscle is in PAIN. (; Seriously, i'm at a loss now. But i'm glad i still have GOD wif me.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007, 8:05 PM; ♥ You made yourself look perfect in every way. School was tiring i guess. Everytime is STUDY STUDY STUDY. My brain is not going to take it anymore. Nothing is in my head now. -.- Fill my brains with all the important topics and answer to the o level papers! -As if it will ever happen. After school, POP meeting. That's all. YES! Tmr there's prison break. (; Life's not about studying all the time okay!
Tuesday, May 01, 2007, 11:27 PM; For my refrence only. (;
, 7:42 PM; ![]() ♥ the honeydrippers (: Well, today is Labour Day.. Mom cooked laska for my lunch. :D Dad fetched me to tution. Haas, how wonderful it is. Sweet~ School tmr and there's PE. -frowns. There's lotsa things upcoming this week. Tests in one of them. ): Before youth service starts, study with Pris and dinner with sam and vicki. (; I need need need to STUDY! をあいわんじ! |
Profile ![]() Yvonne ng Live life to the fullest, love life. Links,
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