Thursday, March 30, 2006, 6:48 PM; Today finally we talk. FRIENDS again. [maybe] I'm really sick and tired of all this things going around. Why u want to do this kind of things to us? isit to make us jealous or angry wif u all? Are u all really happy wif what u all hav done? Not gulity at all? I jux cant stand the way u treat yr best friend like that. PS her everyday. Do u know how she feel anot?! To the guys who side to them: We are NOT petty neither do we jealous! You all jux dont know what they did. What are their evil doings. We didnt forbid u all to go wif them. Whatever larhs. Why must we care so much? Let them do whatever they wan. It's none of my business. ASsed! Oral was ok larhs... I scared the conversation part only. =/ Hope that i'll pass. Must learn for my Promotion test tml. I must get promoted! Strive for the best!
Wednesday, March 29, 2006, 10:14 PM; Actually nothing much to blog... Jux hav the urge to blog. x) Life hav been so busy now... So much stress... I seriously think that this year is not a good yr like last year. =/ Tml having chinese prelim oral, FRI got CCA and PTI, SAT got 2.4km run. SOoo BUSY! Hope that the teacher wont talk so much during PTI and hope that i'll pass my 2.4! Time passes so fast this yr. Seriously need to do some time planing. Must set aside time for studies and FUN. =.- -SO much things to do. So little time.
Monday, March 27, 2006, 9:40 PM; I've been quite busy since sch reopen. And my life have been bad since then... All because of them. =.- Nvm. I jux wanna live my life without them. SCRAM you ppl! x)
Tuesday, March 21, 2006, 9:12 PM; Yesterday and today is jux normal sch day! =.- Got back my geo paper yesterday... I passed!=D Today while doing the summary test... suddenly i felt vibration so i turned back slighty and reject the call frm choon yan. Then mrs yong scold me! call me to stop smiling at choon yan. =.-" Why would i smile at him for?! I was not smiling at him okays! =/ So embaress at the point of time. After sch suppose to go to Lk house to do the project but some of them could not make it. So we stayed at the canteen wif choon yan & calvin. Lk, choon yan and me play bingo. hahas... They were having soccer match... So we were watching it too. That's all. YUP! BORING!
Sunday, March 19, 2006, 10:31 PM; Another Good Day! :) I woke up late in the morning so i had to rush for worship. =/ After church went out for lunch wif our camp group members. Went to BK cause we got the $30 voucher. =p Sit in Lionel car to Raffles City there the Bk. Talk alot in the car... Everyone's was laughing! hahas. =] Beside BK was SUBWAY! Prisc & me was so tempted to eat at there. hahas. But we did not... After eating Bk we walk over to buy cookies. But it was sold out! =/ So went back and talk awhile and we left to Shop. We took the wrong train! wahahas... Too engrose in talking till we took the wrong train. x) Went to bugis there cause they wanted to buy something. We went to take neoprints... Shop around and went home. -I'm SOO BROKE! =/
Friday, March 17, 2006, 10:20 PM; GREAT DAY~ ! Today went to WWW to celebrate albert's birthday! Have fun larhs... Later after that went to meet WEI JIE and JUN PEI at bugis to buy stuffs for POP. This two ppl torture me! x) lols. Brought the stuffs and walk around... Went to Toy'rus there and put the money in and turn the thing... hahas. I got a MUSHROOM! lols. It's So cute. Look like mushroom and it's junpei! x) After that went to arcade to play racing. I'm always third. =.-" After that Jun pei send me home. Thanks ah! hahas
Wednesday, March 15, 2006, 10:23 PM; ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 14 march 06: Woke up early in the morning and go to sch. Assemble and do all the admin stuffs. After that off we headed to malaysia! x) Still miss camp at that point of time. =/ Quite a long journey. Lucky i never vomit cause everytime sit in the bus for very long will vomit. =p Thank GOD i didn't vomit. basically visit pineapple farm, padi field. Had lunch in a restuarant. Then went to some shops to buy goodies home. Took alot of photos... Today went out wif LK and cheryl to orchard. While waiting for LK... A guy frm st patrick come and ask us to donate. He ask us what sch are we frm and we say manjusri. He actually say our sch is a fuck up sch. WTF. what kind of sales guy is he?!! Later he walk away. Then his friend come again. He ask the same qns and he reply "what a fucking sch. opps. if i hav a chance i would hav go to that sch". This kind of sales person also got. Wonder why their boss would hire this kind of person. AND they think that their sch is so damn very gd. NO lorhs. FUCKING ppl. SO ugly. Still find ppl to share wif us and give us this kind of fucking attitude. ASSED YOU BOTH! wish i can scold u more! After that went to esprit to buy the strip. x) Went to pacific plazza roxy shop and Lk brought a slipper and cheryl brought a roxy wallet. After that went to pepper lunch and eat. YUMMY! that's all. hahas. Btw... I saw wang ding rong. x) So handsome! He smile at us! lols. smitten by is smile. wahhaas!
Tuesday, March 14, 2006, 10:11 PM; ![]() ![]() ![]() BEST DAY ! Of The Year. x) 11 march 06: Wake up early in the morning to go to lavender to update my photos. This time there is lack of one thing. And that is one more photo! I only brought one photo and the person says need one more. I was like so piss off... Everytime went there always lack of somethings. So hav to re-take the photo. =.- I took so many passport photos alot of times. Waste my money only. =/ After that quickly went back home and pack for camp. Dad sent me to church for the camp. I reach there and i was so lonely... I know the ppl but never talk. So... jux sat there and do nothing. =[ Started off with ice-breaking games and blah blah stuffs.. After that break into groups and have lunch and we started our first challenge game and it's the Amazing Race game. It wad held at east coast park. I was having stich while playing the game. Thanks for the caring of my teammates. We could be the first to win the race but we couldn't find elanie so we got second place. Not bad already. Hahas cause our group mostly is gals and small guys. LOLs! Really very quiet in the first day. 12 march 06: Second day was GREAT! I love it. =D Got to know more ppl. But mostly all is guys. lols. Dont know why. Went for sevice in the morning and sunday sch. While having lessons the next class was very noisy as they were playing game. After class i got nth to do so i walk here and there and went to the next class. I dont know how to play the game mafia in the first place so chin teach me. MAFIA rocks! We played games and all that. Durning night time, we had to play mass game. It was like everyone had to lucky draw the paper and see which group u're in. But everyone will hav a disability. I got two times Blind. So, i quickly changed. Hahas. In the end i got crippled. lols. At least it was better than blind. I was scared of dark larhs. hahas so at least i can see. lols. Everyone will be scattered around the whole church. So the ppl around me was Chin, Nat Nat and Nicky. That was how i get to know them better. x) Nicky and Nat was frm red cross too! Wahahas. So, got more things to talk. =] We were the first to found all the members ! Yays! After the game ended... It's free time but i did not wan to sleep cause i wan to play mafia. It was Super Fun! Played till 2am and everyone must sleep... 13 march 06: It was the third day of the camp. Had worship in the morning and after that went for lunch. Our group went to Subway for lunch! Delicious !! I love it. x) Esp double choc. The cookies! Then we went back to church for scavanger hunt. We got stuck again at the kitchen.. Couldn't find the clues. We search the whole of it and we jux couldn't find it. Prisc and me went to find the programmers and told them we couldn't find. They said that it was at the ladder there. In the end Prisc found it under the fridge. Lols. We were not the last cause our the other combined group help us to slove the puzzle so we got second again. hahas. After that is bathing time but some of us dont wan to bath cause later playing somemore games... So i wanted to play the last of mafia before i went home. =D Played finish and went down for dinner. Each group had their points and they hav to bid for the food. Yummy. Went for the last worship and went back home. =[ Miss CAMP!
Friday, March 10, 2006, 8:50 PM; Bad Day. Really bad ! I really hate this kind of BRO! What did i do wrong to hav this kind of fucking bro?!!! He really SUX! Always must make me shout at him till i cry. Must i be his maid?! Call me to take towel for him i jux dont wan. You know what?! He go and take my towel and throw. Almost everyday he must make me! Dont make me as if he will die like that! And he doesn't even feel bad. Still can sing. So horrible! FUCK! No one i can talk to and no one know how i'm feeling. Not even him. Why everytime i need someone and no one is wif me. My parents always say it's my fault! i'm the one who started it first. Please lor am i that lame to go and disturb him? I got better things to do than to go make him. HE SUX!
Wednesday, March 08, 2006, 4:24 PM; Today is the day yet is like a normal day. Got back my chem paper and i finally pass! Got back my eng paper too. Get 34/80. It's better already. I thought i'll get 20 plus... Life's meaniless. I dont know know what to do now. Had to study for physics... Really dont feel like doing anything.!
Tuesday, March 07, 2006, 5:51 PM; Everything was gone. What i've jux type was gone! NVM. Today He came to school... Had to study for POA tests. Last minute work hahas. I tried my best to remember what i can remember. Hope I dont flunk. I flunk my math common test. I really hope that i do not flunk any papers anymore! The class was so HOT today. So stuffy. Felt so uncomfortable... After school had to go to the immigration there to update my photo. But i'm below sixteen and need my parents to be there. Waste my time go there! Then went home. I really love him. LOTS! Love and care doesnt need to be shown out. So stop saying that i do not care abt him anymore! Whatever i dont care what u all think so say. I know myself the best. Stop judging me.
Monday, March 06, 2006, 9:45 PM; Have practical today for F&N. All i can say is it's sux. That's all. After school went to visit marvin. He look so skinny. Erm... then got nth to do at there so watch tv. They play playstation. In the end JOHN CENA win! wahahas. He rocks! =] Went to SP to eat KFC wif cheryl then went home. Now had to study for POA. Oh no! Have not msg wif him for days... =/
Sunday, March 05, 2006, 2:36 PM; Yesterday woke up late in the morning and quickly rushed to school. After changing to full-u had to fall in. Miss Ong told us that our unit get EUA SILVER AWARD. Wow. It's unbelieveable ! Really. After that went to Bendemeer Sec Sch for the footdrill. Their sch was nicer than ours. So Nice! Saw alot of NDP'04 ppl. =D But some of them already became VI. Cant even say hello to them... Must call them mdm or sir. Haiz... After the competition, must walk a long way to the bus stop to take bus home. The weather was so HOT ! And i had to carry my U and boots and my bag. CANT SOMEONE JUX HELP ME?!! =.-" Went home bath... rush out again to meet cheryl to go buy present for eugene. =p After that went to eugene house for his BD party. FUN. At first very boring... Nothing to do except watching tv. Later they play majong without money de. Waiting for Albert and co to come. They took hours to come. Frm afternoon keep say coming coming... They reached his house in the evening. =.- How lame are they? hahas. Had dinner... I love the curry chicken and mutton! yummy. But HOT. hahas. Went to play wif the swing in his house... The thing almost fall! wahahas! Played so many rounds of majong and in the end i only game once. but better than nth. =] It was quite late so i stayed over at Lk house. I love her shower room! So relaxing! =p Went to sleep. So comfortable. Then Albert they all came at 2 plus after playing lan AGAIN. They woke me up and dont let me sleep. How curel are they? lols. Then talk talk talk... Finally i can sleep... They talk. Morning woke up and went to church. Now i'm back home. x) thanks LK for letting me stay!
Friday, March 03, 2006, 8:26 PM; Today after math common test went for First Aid Duty at bedok stadium. Nothing much to do cause no injuries... Reached sch abt 12 plus. Then went for lunch and went back to class for lessons. After that had CCA. The training suppose to last for 1 hr. Yet they say not enough time but i had to leave after an hour. Cheryl is waiting for me. I already promise her. So they at there KB. While training for footdrill... I had to leave cause it after an hour. HE till 3.45. WTF. already so late le. What's the point of training in the last minute? It's of no use. I'm stating the fact. Still say my marching is very lousy cause i very long never do footdrill. I dont join larhs! WHO wants to join in that stupid com. IT SUX. anyway we sure lose! Cheryl & me went to bugis to buy eugene's BD present. Cant find... Call some guys to give some ideas. It's no use. esp when i call him. His frens keep shouting at the phone. I was damn irritated so i hang up the phone. CANT HE JUX CALL BACK?!! tml still hav that competition. SIANZ!
Thursday, March 02, 2006, 3:04 PM; Bad DAY ! I Hate Liar ! Today is a bad day. The class was quite empty... And someone promise that he will come. But... For two days! Nvm i dont wish to talk abt it. I failed my SS test. Why I keep on failing tests?!!! Is there something wrong wif my brain? or am i so stupid?! Really had to do something abt it. I cant jux sit down and hoping that i will pass all my tests. It's of no use. NO USE. Hopes dont jux pop out of nowhere. Need to do something in order to make these things happen. -I jux need someone to teach me math!
Wednesday, March 01, 2006, 7:12 PM; School was boring! Have lessons as usual. During F&N get back test paper... Got 24/50!!! F* Why always like that?!!! For two days! Chinese also like that. After school dont feel like going for red cross. Really moodless. SO went to S'pore post. Talk wif LK, Yee ni, Xiao mei, cheryl and joycelyn. HAHAS. It was funny! We keep gossiping and say jokes! HArdly had a great talk wif them... Took cab home wif xiao mei. Thanks for that ride. x) -Really need to pass all my tests!!! |
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